Hiring a Defence Lawyer in Toronto

If you are looking to hire a defence lawyer in the Toronto area, you may be a bit confused about what exactly a criminal defence lawyer is, what kind of cases they work on, and how they can help defend your rights when you are charged with a criminal offence. This article will walk you through everything you need to know to hire the best defence lawyer near you, ensuring you make an informed choice.

What is a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

A criminal defence lawyer specialises in defending individuals charged with criminal offences under the Criminal Code of Canada or regulatory offences under the Provincial Offences Act. Criminal lawyers often call themselves “barristers” because they regularly appear in court, as opposed to “solicitors” who focus mainly on written legal work.

Qualifications and Licensure 

Every lawyer in Ontario is technically a barrister and a solicitor by virtue of their licensure with the Law Society of Ontario (formerly the Law Society of Upper Canada). Criminal defence lawyers have chosen to focus their practice on trial advocacy and the associated work required in defending criminal charges. They hold a J.D. or L.L.B. law degree and are licensed to practice law in Ontario.

Legal Responsibilities 

In defending a person accused of a crime, a criminal lawyer performs many hours of work behind the scenes. This includes:

  • Conducting legal research
  • Reviewing evidence and interviewing witnesses
  • Negotiating with the Crown Attorney
  • Preparing pleadings and other documents for trial
  • Representing the client in court

An experienced criminal defence lawyer is equipped to handle both simple and complex criminal cases. They ensure they are competent to handle each case, making it crucial for clients to verify the lawyer's experience with similar charges.

Type of Representation Provided

Criminal defence lawyers handle a wide variety of charges, including but not limited to:

  • Assault and sexual assault
  • Theft and robbery
  • DUI and other driving offences
  • Manslaughter and murder
  • Break and enter
  • Drug possession and trafficking
  • Fraud and identity theft

Top Considerations for Hiring a Defence Lawyer

When choosing a Toronto criminal defence lawyer, several important factors must be considered to ensure you select the right lawyer.

Guarantees and Promises 

No lawyer can guarantee a particular outcome in your case or make promises about the exact amount of success you will have. Each case is unique, with different facts, evidence, and circumstances, meaning even similar charges can have different outcomes. Be wary of lawyers who make guarantees of success, as they are setting you up for disappointment.

Track Record of Success 

When facing criminal charges that could result in significant jail time or other serious consequences, you need an experienced advocate. Review the lawyer's track record and ask about similar cases they have defended. Although you may not receive the same outcome, understanding the lawyer's experience can be beneficial. For example, Pyzer Criminal Law has successfully defended clients in numerous cases, showcasing their expertise.

Costs of Hiring a Defence Lawyer 

Hiring an experienced criminal defence lawyer is a significant expense. Defending even basic charges involves hours of preparation and strategic planning. Lawyers take steps to ensure the costs incurred in defending your rights are reasonable and necessary, but clients should prepare financially for legal representation.

Lawyers typically provide a detailed overview of their hourly or set fee for defending charges, including potential fees if the matter proceeds to trial. Regular updates on billing help avoid surprises. Depending on the nature of the charges, these expenses can often be spread out over time, making them more manageable.

Personal Attributes 

Consider the lawyer’s personal attributes, such as their communication skills, availability, and dedication. An effective criminal defence lawyer should be approachable, willing to listen, and committed to your case. They should provide clear and consistent communication, keeping you informed about the progress of your case.

Referrals and Testimonials 

Referrals from friends, family, or colleagues can be invaluable. Additionally, reading testimonials and reviews from previous clients can provide insight into the lawyer’s reputation and effectiveness. Positive feedback from satisfied clients often indicates a lawyer's ability to handle cases successfully.

What Makes Us the Best Toronto Defense Lawyer?

At Pyzer Criminal Law, our team of experienced defence lawyers has years of experience defending criminal cases in Toronto and Ontario. We are committed to your case, raising every realistic and viable defence, and leveraging the inner workings of the criminal justice system to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Comprehensive Defense Strategies 

Our firm provides clients with the best defence by vigorously defending their criminal charges. We ensure:

  • Obtaining bail with the least onerous restrictions possible
  • Asserting your right to a trial within a reasonable time
  • Drafting detailed requests for disclosure
  • Gathering evidence that proves you did not commit the offence
  • Developing a Crown pre-trial conference strategy designed to have your charges withdrawn
  • Organising your defence and presenting your story to the judge
  • Raising every possible defence on your behalf, including those you may not have considered
  • Advancing every viable technical argument to successfully defend your case

Personalized Legal Support 

We treat every case with the utmost seriousness and work tirelessly from the moment we receive your call until the case is resolved. Our commitment involves crafting a winning legal strategy from day one, ensuring every possible defence is explored.

Get a Free Case Evaluation

If you’re ready to learn more about how Pyzer Criminal Law can help with your criminal charges, contact our office today to schedule a free case evaluation. We will sit down with you to learn more about your particular charges and begin crafting a legal strategy. 

When facing criminal charges, the best decision you can make is trusting an experienced criminal lawyer to defend you. Retaining a lawyer at the earliest possible opportunity allows our team to start working on a resolution for your charges immediately.

CTA Solo Jonathan Pyzer
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Don’t delay. Call Pyzer Criminal Law today.
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